Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Importance of Brushing Twice a Day

A biofilm is the layering of different species of bacteria into a colony. Within the oral environment, there are several species of bacteria: some good,even protective, while others are bad and virulent. The first bugs to start forming the biofilm are the beneficial ones, then the more destructive bacteria arrive later. The colony always follows this pattern. The virulent pathogens will soon become the dominant species which may lead to periodontal(gums,bone) destruction.

By brushing and flossing frequently ( at least twice per day brushing,and once flossing), we are able to breakup the biofilm before it becomes established. Therefore, none of the bad bugs are able to adhere to the colony. The biofilm needs to start anew; colonizing with the beneficial bacteria again. This cycle continues on and on.

So the next time you consider skipping that brushing and/or flossing, remember the millions of destructive bacteria circling around your teeth and gums, just waiting to invade!

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