Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Antibiotic Premedication

Before some dental treatments , patients who have certain heart conditions and those with artificial joints take antibiotics. These patients may be at risk of developing an infection in the heart or at the site of the artificial joint.

Heart Conditions
artificial heart valves
a history of infective endocarditis
a cardiac transplant that develops a heart valve problem
some congenital(present from birth) heart conditions

Joint Replacement
In the past, administration of antibiotics prior to dental work was only recommended during the first two years after surgery. Because of concerns about the severity of infection of a joint replacement, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons now recommends that antibiotics be given before an invasive dental procedure no matter how long it has been since the joint replacement procedure.

Immunocompromised/Immunosuppressed Patients
These include patients with rheumatoid arthritis,lupus and other conditions that can affect the immune system. Patients who take medications or receive radiation treatment that can alter the immune system should also have antibiotics prior to dental work.

Dr.Smyth always recommends that you check with your physician prior to your dental appointment,if you have any of these conditions.You can also call Dr.Smyths office with any questions or concerns you may have regarding premedication.
