Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fortify Your Teeth

Eating the right foods is not only good for a healthy body, some foods play an integral part in protecting and strengthening your teeth and gums. 

Some examples of fortified foods are:

Milk- Milk  contains calcium, which helps protect against periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss.The calcium in milk can also help to remineralize your teeth..

Oranges-Vitamin C contained in oranges helps reduce inflammation and works to keep your gums healthy.Other citrus fruit such as grapefruits are also a good source of Vitamin C.

Strawberries- Similar to oranges and other citrus fruits, strawberries are loaded with Vitamin C. Vitamin C also aids in the production of collagen. Collagen helps maintain the strength of your gums.

Salmon- Salmon is a great source for Vitamin D.  The Vitamin D found in salmon allows your body to absorb and use calcium at it's full strength.

Water-One of the many benefits of drinking water is that it can help remove debris from your teeth.Water also helps to keep your saliva level high.Saliva contains proteins and minerals that aid in the fight against acid erosion from sugary drinks.Sugary drinks such as, soda and sports drinks can damage enamel and promote tooth decay. Saliva is the mouths best protection against tooth decay.

Apples- Apples contain vitamins and minerals which help protect your teeth and gums. Eating apples increases saliva flow and reduces cavity causing bacteria. Apples have also been called "natures toothbrush".

One of Dr. Smyth's favorites on this list is Salmon. Dr. Smyth  brings his lunch from home, which most often is a smoked salmon salad. After all, the mouth is the gateway to your body. Healthy diet, healthy body, healthy teeth.

Reference-Joy Bauer Food Cures-2012